- Its your baby.......
- I'm pregnant......
- I'm a man......
- You owe........
- Baby cryin
- Adults cryin
- You've been evicted........
- We sentence you to.........
- You're fired/We're gonna have to let you go/We're goin in a different direction/This isnt working out
- Police sirens (flashback to all of last year for me)
- Theres something wrong with your check/we're not gettin paid this week
- Ex GF around your new GF
- Dogs barkin unless your Vick
- Clogged toilets
- Cancelled credit/not approved
- A fax machine
- Rottery dial
- Macy Gray/Akon/T-Pain
- Polyester pants
- Flip flops
- Velcro
- Chewing/smackin
- Sniffling
- Poppin gum
- Shoes that have wet soles
- Chics who fake it
- Candy wrappers
- Balling up trash
- Breathin too hard
- Lil Wayne/Soulja Boy/Flo Rida/ eff it damn near anything mainstream
- Fran Dreschers laugh
- Factory ringtones
- DJs talkin over the effin record
- You've got.......(insert venerial disease)
- We're sorry to interrupt your program......
- GDubya
- Other people having sex
- I want a divorce (thats for you Micah {red light}, hey youre single now live it up God)
- Heres whats wrong with your car.........
- Heres whats wrong with you......
- Youre not qualified for this position........
- (Signifigant Other)......oh i dont do that.......(My face turns into the Onyx logo when i hear that)
1 comment:
I like soulja boy and floRida
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