I call this segment of the program You Need a Blow Job cause cats out here are actin Ice T Reckless, and we need to calm down or relax....thats where the BJ comes from............We gettin too riled up over subjects that dont ever pertain to us as human beings..........

Whoever banned Boy George from the US.....are you kiddin, are we really actin like this mans a threat, he's a gay man from overseas, chill out the worst thing he will do is play a Culture record or make you sit through a season of Will & Grace.........................

John McCain........This pilgrim, i swear everything Barack says he questions, just give it up......Ns stayed on the p's and q's for a year a change......no arrests......drug charges, nothing to eff up their chances to make sure they could vote for a Barack and stop effin takin Ls with votin for pilgrims..............
Old School Rappers..............Ice T, GZA, etc I love yall i grew up off of yall but we need to just fall back and let these little corn ball ass Ns make their little bit of bread and evaporate from the game, we cant argue with these Ns its makin us look foolish (i love how I'm sayin us like i'm a 40 year old rapper) real cats gonna recognize the BS sooner or later and we wont have to worry about em...................

Those Oposing Becky Hammond playin for Russia in the Olympics...................look we all gotta make a living this is no different from than from overseas to America to make a living.......first of all none of us can claim this land anyway we've already made all the Indians migrate elsewhere and have raped and polluted their land..........so chill......