The girls call me Francis, my relevant Ns call me Tommy, Ns who i ball with refer to me as T-Time and the Ns who understand my blog call me Facts...........
Yo! I've read and skimmed through alot of peoples blogs.............and yo them shits suck on the real (pause)
I dont know the true definition of a weblog but to my understanding i thought it was somewhat of a web journal for people to voice their opinions thoughts et cetera........but Ns out here confiscatin other Ns blogs............dont get me wrong i Pittsburgh Pirate music just like the next man but damn i dont go outta my way to hijack another Ns whole site.......
But to each his own, just dont come to my site expecting to see (insert celeb name)'s blog.......this is my shit, one of my favorites quotes is "Why quote another nigga when i can quote myself"
(lets just say the wall is yalls blog)

What Up.............
What up Lex,
how you livin God............

I just checked the blog
(I know I know I'm tardy)
I saw my blog up there and had to do further research on whos site i was on......
Lovin the blog................LOL i assume you liked my blog just enough to throw it up on your Links..............But i hope all is well and that you in good health fam.......
(btw for the red noses who thought we was beefin, "Yous' a Fool" word to Project Pat)
Anybody who says i cant do a shout out on my shit can def kiss my ass word to the lips on BuffietheBods Ass
"Lyrically NaS is Better....."-Customer at UATW

I asked a customer whos better Shawn or Nasir and that was his answer......he said Jay was better but then he hit me with the lyrically NaS is better which is all i'm really lookin for, when did sellin records matter in hip hop??????????
Sooooooooo ok we've got Be A Nigger Too, War Is Necessary, N.I.G.G.E.R, Dont Touch Me Remix, and now we got.....
Black President http://www.zshare.net/audio/1317523403d07010/
Was conversing with Monica (avid smoker) once more today and she had mentioned that a resident of hers got her the wrong cigarettes........she asked for Marlboro Light Menthol and the guy bought Light No Menthol...........I knew the obvious differences but was confused as to why there were different in my eyes you're gonna have a gaping hole in your neck anyways so fuck it...........why choose?
Why is there such a thing as light cigarettes????? Is that the equivalence of diet coke and regular.........."all flavor less filling" Why even have a light cigarette does light increase your life expectancy.........If I were to smoke regulars am i smokin my way to the grave faster.............side note, I found out that white lighters are bad luck also
What Whites and Blacks Argue/Debate Over.........
Heres a few things that niggas and pilgrims still cant agree on..........

Political Candidates

Jesus' Race (The pics below, the first is found in 90% of the white ppls homes ive been in and the second is in every niggas house.........excuse me apartment (niggas dont get homes until 34))

Bird or Magic ( I still say the Jumpman runs this)

Will Smith or Tom Cruise

I'm Bothered............
I'm bothered that white people took our Westside gang gesture
and fucked around and turned that shit into "Whatever"

I was talkin to a friend of mine (Monica) and we were debating who had dreads first niggas or white people.................obviously you know what both our answers were, me being black i said black people and here being of caucasian decent said white people..............we did our research and while doing so she stumbled upon this website called PerfectDreadlocks.com
Now is it me or is that not one of the worst oxymorons you've ever heard....that rivals sites such as CleanFeces.com and PerfectNappyHair.org
Red States (republican'ts) would you vote for Barack if he had more of a nigga name such as Marcus Jones, Tyriq Johnson.............Andre James???????????
Does anyone ever notice how foreign people talk like Yoda.....
"My check is here, no?"
"Your yard, would you like me to clean???"
"Size 7 no half does this come in.........???"
So Barack won
"Always bet on black"-Wesley Snipes ( just no one as black as him)
I'm glad he won but the conspiracy theory in me is sayin watch Hillary hand out blow jobs to get the VP spot and have Obama assasinated, i hope not but we all know this is a Snoop eat Lassie world (dog eat dog) so..............
Things White Girls Like.................
I was talkin to E about the concept of this post and he was like someone should start a a whole site dedicated to this..........well id probably run out of ideas in the first week, but this is the things ive noticed from dating, befriending and slandering white girls, enjoy the destroyed lol
-Braids, Cornrows, Microbraids etc............you cant go anywhere without seeing a white girl with one of these hairstyles, the sad thing is they feel that once they go to say Mexico, Brazil, shit even Florida they have to get the cornrows by the natives, its a given, they see it as a right of passage, white girl plus out of their habitual area equals looking a damn fool...............
-Black Porn............true story, i was with this young lady and she was real big into porn, when i first met her she was like "you look like Mandingo from DogFart and West Coast Productions....he's my FAVORITE"...........bitch i wonder why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Baby Phat...........dont know what it is about cheap articles of clothing that people like but this and Apple Bottoms are in an arms races for white womens hearts.......
-Pastries.........when i worked at Short Pump in Richmond, the white girls flocked to this shit like Lindseys nose to coke........
-Slang.........i havent met a white girl yet thats used any relevant slang correctly.........."Like those new Jimmy Chus are pause......" SMH
-Assholes.......my Ns can attest and this may go for all women not just white, but women love assholes, theres no punchline for this shit................
-Black singers............Mariah, Mary, Whitney..........white girls love their story, they have all their records.........they all wait for the day that you pop in one of their records so they can embarass themselves by singin in front of you..................
Rappers............unfortunately I've asked a lot of pilgrim girls who their fave rapper is and answers such as Wayne, Nelly, LL, Ja Rule all went on a def ear, just because you think a certain rappers cute and whatnot doesnt make him great................
Civics, Thunderbirds, Beetles you get the picture....................i think the ratios pretty high but about 97% of the white girls i know own one of these vehicles............the other 3% is askin for rides....................
The First Annual All Hype Awards
First Annual ALL Hype Awards
Retro Carmines

Nic and Mariah

Phones that dont have in an I in front
The Mixtape About Nada

The Celtics

and ............Lil Wayne
Deadlines Niggas Aint Gon Meet
Lets a take a gander at what Deadlines niggas aint gonna meet
-Registering their children for school....why you think cats in 12th grade be like "oh i'm 20 i was held back"..........yeah literally
-Inspection..............I havent had an Inspection since late 07........theres no punchline for that shit....
-Bills...........hellooooooo.........bad credit is as easy not filing or answering back in months 1-2 and 3................
Color Code 112 with Cornrows.........
First off this a NO-NO.......I dont give a shit if your the lead singer of a legendary group or the best caucasian soccer player in the world (we all know Pele is the MJ of that sport), you know niggas be like "awww if a white person say nigga/nigger around me i'm gonna fuck em up" see how they find that offensive, well i find white people with cornrows very offensive...........

"Yiuuuuttttchhhkkkk"-Pusha T
Nigga You Gay
We've come a long way from the Fruity Pebble Awards......so lets just add on to that and let Mr Freeman intro the ceremony
First up LuFiasco.......I've never seen this nigga with a female........
Next up Shawty Lo, there was mad females in ya vids but you wasnt gropin on any of em, so in the immortal words of youtube vid above "nigga you gay" (plus the pose is very pause worthy)
Next up to bat (pause) T.O., love him as an athlete but still have yet to see him with the opposing sex other than in commercials...........
Things Old Niggas Do..........
Wow first of all I've checked, naw I've skimmed through a few of my friends blogs and needless to say......I definitely wont be takin any more weeks off.....they need me, without my blog they lost that certain zest and zephyr ( i love Z words) they once maintained but anywho back to the program...............
Things Old Niggas Do.......
-Their dress code consists of jogging suits with dres shoes
-They inisist on wearing baseball hats everywhere
-Conisistantly refer to us as young boy clear past the age of 40.....
-The drop random jewels.......ex.
"I see you buyin shoes for ya little girlfriend there boy...them shoes is hot what is them, them Michael Jordan Convertible Gucci sandal flip flop hi-tops?!?!?!......you know what they say about boys who buy these little hussies shoes right?!!?!?!?........."
"What Grandpa"
"You buy a girl shoes boy all shes gonna do is walk outta yo life..."
-Old niggas always wanna embrace you (come here there young boy!!!!!)
-Also their wardrobe consists of crew tube socks with sandals/loafers
-They always maintain a healthy dose of embarrassment for their sons daughters nieces and nephews when they dress up for athletic events
Things Ns Is Holdin Onto for Too Long
-Staying uneducated.....read Ghosts' book asap
-Condoms (too many children runnin round and you dont even wanna take care of em if theyre yours)

-Dead end jobs.........this N looks beyond depressed........


-Service Nokia Phones..................see above statement for FUBU

-Pants sagging..........just by longer pants..............and real Jordans....................
-Condoms (too many children runnin round and you dont even wanna take care of em if theyre yours)

-Dead end jobs.........this N looks beyond depressed........


-Service Nokia Phones..................see above statement for FUBU

-Pants sagging..........just by longer pants..............and real Jordans....................

People Qualified to be the Folks
"Folks" obviously meaning Filth obviously meaning POLICE

This kid unfortunately grow up to be Captain of the force.......................
-Snitches (obvious candidate)

-Ns with low self esteem.........see MArk Furhman
-Uncle Toms

-School bullies (check the first Harold and Kumar)

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