To my knowledge i dont remember doing one of these to this nature....................i've ran through alot of subjects with niggas but they amaze me to no end....................Hopefully i havent come this far with my site and yall still havent learned anything...........(Also I fall into all these categories except the Flea Markets, Ramen, Shoes from the Barber and Clothes that dont fit)
Flea Markets........Clothes, shoes, Gucci, LV, Nike, crabs, shrimp, chicken, alcohol all under one roof (tent).................
Ramen Noodles........35cent a pop, you can eat for years off one check...............
Shoes from the barber shop....................$60 Jordans, AF1s and Bapes, hey you cant beat that (btw dont support that bogus shit)
Discounts..........this doesnt neccessarily apply to Ns but more so anyone with short arms and deep pockets............
Clothes that dont fit..............big girls like tight clothes and skinny Ns love baggy garments.......SMH
Being loud............Ns always wanna be recognized, known, heard, come we cant put this to good use like say.........a law firm, the govt so on and so forth....................
Spending...............Niggas are allergic to saving......theres no punch line for that shit..............
The 1st and 15th/unemployment................see above...........
A break...........Ns at work feel once they go on break its like a mini vacation, they feel they are exempt, impervious, immune from any wrong doing that can occur during that timeframe clocked (in)out.................
Bootlegs...............mixtapes, albums, movies whatever we all know someone who pushes these products.............btw when someone approached me some yrs back and asked if i wanted the Passion of the Christ bootleg that was takin it too far.......................