
Awwww I See Now......

"Done said enough niggas like Kramer...."-Pusha T

So everyones tryin to cut nigga/nigguh/nigger outta their vernacular, i'ma tell you like the hood told me "good luck".......being black and not sayin nigga is like being white and not sayin nigga........it just feels weird but i on the other hand am gonna chill on exploiting it so much, i mean the shit got me banned from NT so............ehhhh..................but i feel the need to add a disclaimer, i know the history, but the word serves no purpose for me ITS JUST A WORD, my watch is too small and life is too short to be concerned over a word...........
(The Nigger Tape is Out along with NaS)

......Dont Call It a ComeBack......

I guess I have a half a tank left Micah! I was gonna hyperstrike a shutdown of my site but my blogs still jumpin like a fish fry...................

MySpace Ni......'s.......Extended

So you're supposed to place flattering pics of yourself up there to get ass whether you be a male or female.........dont see what it is with ppl enamored with internet ass and not real ass...........are you really waiting by the comp to see how many responses you've got or how many friend requests you can recieve....SMH........Its gonna be the downfall of all relationships, you'll meet a girl and say shes just a friend, next thing you know shes all over your MySpace like boxers askin when we gonna hang out................MySPace FTL..........I havent seen a benefit for this shish yet........................

Beautys Skin Deep....................

Jerry Seinfeld (my 2nd fave comedian behind CRock) said that only 6% of ppl in the world are attractive...............So i went out and tested that theory and i totally agree........We only find that other 94% attractive because theyre maskin their flaws with outfits, facelifts and great oral sex....................I get it (pause) now Jerry...............


How come the Anglos i see on Cops, i neeeeever see in the real world...............I would feel much more at ease if i saw a cross dressing white man robbing an old lady that just coincidently is his mother...............

Its A Saturday, Its A Sat-ur-day.........DeLa

Another day another dollar...........woke up and left my room a retailers nightmare................

Spent most of the mornin figurin out what shoes i wanted to wear...................

Ended up early to work, anglos hate when a nigga is tardy.........and as usual my steps are VERY sanitized....................

Cant make any money when theres only 2 ppl in the mall........plus we all know niggas dont wake up till 5 ........SMH


Just Thinkin..............

I had a dream last night about one of the girls i have a HUGE crush on anywho thats besides the point.....................
So i was thinkin since they have White Supremacists, i figured i should start a Black Supremacists group......no not the Panthers nor Farrakhan's Clique (The Nation)..................
Instead of wearing white hoods and robes my followers will have Black Tall Tees and Black NewEras........There will be no need to burn crosses in yards, instead my niggas will have barbeques in White peoples yards and name this vicious act "Family Reunions"..............


.......Day another dollar my mother would holler, she said go and see the world for yourself and your brother should follow........."-NaS

Chill thirsty nigga shes jailbait

Need i say anything..........
Once again jailbait.................

"Street Dreams" usin up all our anytime minutes.........

Ended up stoppin by Brians crib.......pause..........to see what him and the boys were up to................

Follow Up......

To Below.............(pause)......btw Erin you still have yet to tell me what you want for your tattoo.........Troy what did you need me to draw aagin, i didnt forget you on the thank you list god i still got you...................(pause)

What I've Been Workin On......(Art-Wise)

Hola's to Ms Vazquez for being my muse on this one........its not quite Brett Favre'd yet (finished) but you get the picture..................sad that everytime i tell a girl i draw or whatever theyre like o'rly and i'm like "yeah, you wanna go to my place, you play Kate Winslett and I play Leo DiCaprio and i uhhhh draw you naked, wink wink......................"j/k j/k.........

The Kings Home...............

Yo.............i know yall tryin to see NaS at Toads Place (Richmond) next Thurs........................yeah yeah yeah i just saw the god in concert like 2-3wks ago but who cares.............


If you dont have an iPhone you might as well take a cordless fone everywhere and obtain a beeper...............!!!!!!!!

Norfolks Inner Beauty..........



For My Inquiring Mind..........

"MySpace Ns"-(PushaT)................why have a MySpace if your're gonna put the shit on Private.....................(MySpace sucks BTW, i'll give reasons later on)



I'm a big fan of intercourse, the adult version that is..................And i like foreplay just as much as the next person but heres a few things i'm not a fan of when it comes to the pre-game/lay-up line warm-up.................

I love when you whisper crazy actions in my ear but i just got you home after we both ate and ummmmm...................you dont have a toothbrush at my house so imagine how bad the side of my face is burnin after your lobster tail meal.........

I reward those who reward me.......a wise man (NaS) said on Dr KnockBoot that "you gotta make em bless you first like kazoontite".......so after i'm blessed like a baptism thats when i proceed to reciprocate the action but............if i descend down and the va-j-j smells like hot dog juice i will be forced to grab you by the pussy and throw you out the house.......................

This is HUGE (pause)................Ok lets get this straight if you take it on the face and wanna leave my residue on your face and insist on kissing me.............thats an issue.............i'm not one of your little gf's that you snowball with after every loads dropped off at the main corridor...............

BTW i dont like ashy titties...............please lather them up, i dont need to loosen your bra and see 2 ashy Larrys...................(pause)

Dont worry ladies i'll also make sure my hygiene is up to par................


Palabra.......(Means Word in Espanol)

I wanna thank everyone whos visited, whos a repeated reader/blogger, whos a friend and all for coming to my site and gettin to see my views on certain issues, biases, etc.............

To Eric, Micah! (that should be your trademark), Justin, Erin (I know you may be lurkin), Lex (what up king), Pusha T (Terrence), Jessica, Courtney, BAmbrose, DiJon, Ashley, my sister Kenya (your ba-bro done grown up so forgive the graphic language, i always wanted to live vicariously through you), Ant (i know you lurk too, you dont wanna admit it tho)

I wanna thank yall for havin me on yalls blog roll, to be truthfully honest i thought i was gonna lose all yall once i started pointin out niggas and pilgrims flaws.....................I have lost a few ppl with my site i wont mention em but hey my motto is you win some then you win again........................
So with that being said i.......




As a young buck word to cashville i was always fond of superheroes but one stood out in particular......Batman since the beginning of time has always been my favorite superhero, this N has no super powers, he cant fly at will and he gets all the ladies..............Anywho once again i got early passes from the god Micah! (peace king) to see the Dark Knight................I'll let ya know how the movie is manana...................

Athletically Inclined........

Why the hell do ESPN, CBS, NBC etc have old these washed up athletes as broadcasters...........them Ns sucked at the sport they played why am i gonna have any reasoning to believe why so and so is a number one prospect or that so and so is gonna take the chip, when were and did neither...........


Why does AT&T have HP cpu's and not Macs.............hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sheryl Swoopes gay as a motherfucker.........

"Why quote someone when I can quote myself" www.m1tchfranc1s.blogspot.com


(If you look closely thats obviously a 1st Gen)

Thank You Steve Jobs i appreciate my new iPhone 2.0 Firmware Update its a godsend, the only thing missing is my check for all this damn exposure................

Is It Me or..........

I'm watching GW and i feel as if hes never confident with his speeches, i get the feeling that he's winging it most of the time...........when a reporter asks im a question he squints his eyes and takes a second to gather himself then the question, its actually comical.........then we he conjures up an answer and it never seems like a validated answer, i feel like they always have question marks trailing them......"Mr President how do you feel about the Economy"..............."Well i feel as if we're gonna make transitions to the positive?"...........If i were reporter that just graduated from Harvard Yale whatever have you i'd get the feeling this dude is beyond underqualified for the job........If i were to ask him about the oil refineries offshores, i dont want him to respond "well we gotta get out there and make holes in the shores and see what we've got".......I dont need you to tell me the childrens answer and do the hand gestures to follow your answers, i need a proper serious answer......................

Blk or Wht...........

How come Pilgrims love wearing all black and niggas love wearing all white..............
Its 3:20 what do you expect.................


How come there are no black goalies in hockey.......we good at deflecting things, i mean look how long we've been deflectin our credit card bills.........we always where a mask how do you think we're so great at our B&E (breakin and enterin) game......we're used to holdin sticks (self explanatory).........dont get me started on the jerseys.............dodgin a puck aint no thang, son i've been dodgin my babies mama since 03 and she still cant in point my location..............we can guard things too, i've been guradin my paychecks from the IRS for yrs, how you think i got Lebrons on the Escalade............

Have You Ever.................

You ever have a conversation via text messaging and the convo speeds up then you're tryin to play catch up the whole convo................

Really.....I Mean Really.......

Whats with the stickers on the back of cars, are we that consumed by Nascar and Sponsorships that we treat our transportation as if were a Hannah Montana sticker booklet..................SMH............its beyond OD..................lemme know when Ns start gettin paid for endorsin all these stickers on their Geo Metros, Corrollas and HatchBacks.............


Does anyone else fear kamikaze walkers...............these are the people who cant walk straight and when you attempt to pass they somehow manage to get in front of you to slow you down from where you need to be...................

Classic William...........

This along with Gettin Jiggy With It (NaS wrote that bet you didnt know) gets a pass from me......................



I was talkin with my friend Troy and he kept insisting on I give him my iPhone he was like "I got a SideKick ain't no updates for that shit"

"Why quote someone when I can quote myself" www.m1tchfranc1s.blogspot.com

Are You Kidding Me............ISS/SC

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Wow SoleCollector Now....this shit better be because of NT and if ol boy doesnt send my shoes i'm headin up to Jersey to throw hands...............

You Got an Eye Problen........

"You got an eye problem nigga, damn!!!!!! I'll give you an eye jammie"
Quite honestly i dont mind bein the only darkie in a room full of MayFlower descendants, but when the black ppl are lookin at you like you're out of place thats a problem, i havent recieved this many stares since i entered the girls bathroom in the Pentagon by mistake..........................


This shit sold better than Lil Wayne and he's got all the AngloSaxons saddled up...................btw it did a Million in 3days thats Eminem type numbers..........

#1 and #2 Kings of All Time.......

Dont You Hate.........

So i'm here at Panera Bread and i'm mindin my business 1) cause i'm black and i love my minimal freedom and 2) if anything jumps off the first thing a pilgrim will say is "he was black, he had Nikes and did i mention he was black" but anywho sorry to digress, this black lady approaches me and offers me some BS about the Business of a Lifetime, my first assumption is theres a million plus 2 white ppl in here and you approach me of all ppl (maybe she felt more comfortable approachin a young urrban youth like myself) she hands me a Disc and is like look over this and tell me what you think..................so i gander at it and insist on makin it trash can material................

Please dont approach me with the bullshit.........we're not the 2 and i'm not the one...............

Street Dreams........



Its LAPTOP, not LABTOP...........

Banned Camp...........from NikeTalk

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Weather Report....

Once again its called Weather Report cuz i'd make it rain and I'M NOT SPEAKIN DOLLARS....................

If I Were McCain.........

I'd tell all the Red States that being gay's ok.......only when you're a sexy female kissing/licking another female..........

I'd thank God every day i'm alive and that my respirator continues to work and that Viagras still in production..............

I'd get at Condoleeza and see if her assistance is as good as her Uncle Tom koonery...............

I'd call Baracks children "nappy headed hoes".................I'm gonna lose anyway...................

I'd go to an inner city ghetto and try to understand a niggas struggle.................prayin i make it out alive.....................

Get my first blow job..............

I'd blog all day and post on SuperFuture.com till 3am.........................

Join the mile high club..................and pray i dont get catch a stroke (pause)....................

Prepare for my Gone Fishin pics with Kenny and Charles ............

Understand that my penis pump is not broke, malfunctionin nor has a glitch and finally realize i'm white this is what i'm gonna have to poke with.................
The only way i'll win presidency is if i finally agree with people and say "damn that nigga bush was fuckin up"............
Make a list of all the fine women in the world over 50 and start knockin em down..............starting with Farrah.....................


What makes you think you can push a shopping cart in the mall....................and how in the world did you manage to get a shopping cart anywhere near the mall in the first place..................I aint gonna say what race is notorious for doing this.........(its not Color code 112s)


Maybe because my license is suspended beyond belief but why do Ns work on/trick out/fixup their Crown Vic's, Impalas, Taurus' etc to look like fuckin cop cars........these cats be creepin up on me all slow with their tinted windows puttin the fear of another Bush term in my heart.......you niggas cant be like Ice T and say fuck the cops and then turn around and wanna look like the Ns..................