
Palabra.......(Means Word in Espanol)

I wanna thank everyone whos visited, whos a repeated reader/blogger, whos a friend and all for coming to my site and gettin to see my views on certain issues, biases, etc.............

To Eric, Micah! (that should be your trademark), Justin, Erin (I know you may be lurkin), Lex (what up king), Pusha T (Terrence), Jessica, Courtney, BAmbrose, DiJon, Ashley, my sister Kenya (your ba-bro done grown up so forgive the graphic language, i always wanted to live vicariously through you), Ant (i know you lurk too, you dont wanna admit it tho)

I wanna thank yall for havin me on yalls blog roll, to be truthfully honest i thought i was gonna lose all yall once i started pointin out niggas and pilgrims flaws.....................I have lost a few ppl with my site i wont mention em but hey my motto is you win some then you win again........................
So with that being said i.......



Anonymous said...

Homie you had me (paws or whatever it is??? Lol), but you lost me when your threw the snowmans pic up. Lol

You bout to have me on my blog game...Lol

Give me 3 days and 4 minutes to save the world!!!!

BAmbrosia "The Great" has spoken!

Tommy said...

It means I salute yall

Anonymous said...

I got that...Just didnt care for the messenger. LOL. Keep the blog updates coming. I usually check every other day.