So i'm here at Panera Bread and i'm mindin my business 1) cause i'm black and i love my minimal freedom and 2) if anything jumps off the first thing a pilgrim will say is "he was black, he had Nikes and did i mention he was black" but anywho sorry to digress, this black lady approaches me and offers me some BS about the Business of a Lifetime, my first assumption is theres a million plus 2 white ppl in here and you approach me of all ppl (maybe she felt more comfortable approachin a young urrban youth like myself) she hands me a Disc and is like look over this and tell me what you think..................so i gander at it and insist on makin it trash can material................
Please dont approach me with the bullshit.........we're not the 2 and i'm not the one...............
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