The girls call me Francis, my relevant Ns call me Tommy, Ns who i ball with refer to me as T-Time and the Ns who understand my blog call me Facts...........
Yo! I've read and skimmed through alot of peoples blogs.............and yo them shits suck on the real (pause)
I dont know the true definition of a weblog but to my understanding i thought it was somewhat of a web journal for people to voice their opinions thoughts et cetera........but Ns out here confiscatin other Ns blogs............dont get me wrong i Pittsburgh Pirate music just like the next man but damn i dont go outta my way to hijack another Ns whole site.......
But to each his own, just dont come to my site expecting to see (insert celeb name)'s blog.......this is my shit, one of my favorites quotes is "Why quote another nigga when i can quote myself"
(lets just say the wall is yalls blog)

no one calls you t-time on the court
ACtually the cats i played with when i was younger and still play with do
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