Niggas know that gas is never gonna plummet until LightSkin takes over in the oval office (pause)......On my way home from the gym i thought damn what would i do for gas since i'm borderline bankrupt........and i'm borderline tired its 1:29am btw...........gotta be at work at 9
-Pretend ( i hate that i havent enforced that word in my vocab since i've transcended my adolescence) that i work or part-take in a foundation for VTech, Cancer/Livestrong, CHKD, Katrina Relief, etc and ask random pilgrims (niggas dont support shit, not even the Katrina Relief Foundation and that affected us the most, anywho) to donate any monies to the cause..............
-Get back on my B&E (Breaking and Entering for those that have just joined the planet) grind, its easy work but the pilgrims that have fancy items live a tad bit (dont know where i pulled that term from) far and you obviously cant get gas with no gas money................
-Sell Os, Bricks, Birds, Weight, Kilos, White, Dust, AculpcoGold, Piff, Crack, Cocaine, Snow, Rocks, Powder, Base, Cane, Coca, Yayo, Yola, Cotton, Nose candy, Soda, ,that shake, White girl, etc............yeah yeah who doesnt know that many terms for cocaine............
-Clock back in as a S.U.K. (Stick Up Kid)......
-I'd sleep with a few mud ducks....."fat girls need love too Craig"
-Donate my dick spit to a Sperm Bank.............although me and a cErtain beautiful feline are supposedly gonna clock in for a baby cuz she wants to look preggers for the summer............
-I'd donate blood but I'm black.........
-I'll do black face on the sidewalks of popular white establishments, a la Cheesecake Factory, Saks Fifth, Apple and Sean John...........all the pilgrims may scare me but i'm used to being on the Mayflower.............
(finished this post at 2:13)
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