Now I'm not really political, I know a lot because one, i need be conscious of the BS around me and two, because I need to be aware of that same BS thats gonna affect me in the long run, i was observing (remember a couple posts back, I'm very observant) the tele-tube and they were mentioning B.O.s minister/pastor whatever-have-you and how his comments could affect the Senators chance of winning the PrezCampaign, first of all why are we criticizing someones opinion and beliefs, this parallels hip-hop to the kid, just because someone loves Luke or 2Lives booty skakin records doesn't mean they're misogynistic, down for hoes, or even like clubbin for that matter, hey thats just their mood at the time being, so what if SenObama (Sin-o-bama for those in cyberspace) attends this old heads sermons, does he have to agree with everything this gentleman offers, no, its not his place to be like, "your sermon was great and all but could you tone down some" its the pastors opinion, we recieve opinions everyday of our lives, whether it be through propaganda, billboards, television, internet, influence, peer pressure, etc, so why are we getting all riled up, this dudes not a cult or anything, for those who are deep into HipHop i find this funny because we're missing lyricism in the music, but yet everyone pays attention to every little word in the news
FixYaFocus Journalists
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