(If you could see me face :-/)

As of late i've reguarded people as "rappers" everyone asks why, and i tell em because we all have a story that needs to be heard, we're all are diverse, i joke with my friends all the time that Oprah, Bill O'Reilly and myself are all the same cause we dont like rappers (lol ish is still funny to me to this day), but a lot, A LOT of cats have asked what i'm speakin on when i say "pause" "ayo" "red light yaself" and "no homo" well its its own enigma, some think its for homosexual ppl, no no no. It goes towards the actions and verbals of those homosexual activities. (i always love the episode of Seinfeld where a reporter assumes that George and Jerry are gay but they shun the notion and respond the whole episode "oh, not that theres anything wrong with that" btw thats my stance also)
i love rob and big, and antm, and shitty mtv shows. thats what i blogged about last night
I love em too, thats why i blogged about em cuz i was so enamored with them "Do Work Son!!!!"
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