New Motherfuckin 'Kast, i'm sorry sensors but this shish is EXACTLY what HipHop needed, i thank my ReUp Gang brethren for startin off 08' with a bang(WeGotIt4Cheap3 is out now go scoop) but this shit (dont you love how i curse in the beginning and then choose not to the next go round just to curse afterwards) is a problem
"...its cool when the kids call me Sunny, the hood calls me Facts, the bees call me honey, Hollywood calls me back...crack and i have A LOT in common, we both come up in the 80s and we keep that base pumpin, thats a neg-a, tive comparison, embarrassin, unfortunate, that if you come up fortunate the street consider you lame...ha, i thought the name of the game, was to have a better life i guess it aint what a shame...i dont slang, never slung but i'm one with the slum that has a name well fitting, plenty cheese getting, ya wonder why they call it the trap, so watch yo tail, and i'm not kidding"-3Stacks (Andre3000)
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