Went out lookin to get my old heads a gift for their Anniversary (wish i could say that) to Kays......you know the infomercial on the radio 'Everything Kiss Begins with Kaaaayyyyyy'

This young lady right ch'ere we gonna play a lil game called fill in the blank......
This lady looks like _______
a) her lower back and upper thighs are bulemic
b) her butt is playing hide and seek in her arms
c) shes squeezing an 8Ball between her buttcheeks
d) all of the above

My friend Ashley works at Kays....we took a 20sec time out to hijack TropicalSmoothie, craziest thing, ol boy in the back of Ash paid for his meal in all NICKELS (177 to be exact), broke ass

she look like she suckn a football through that straw!
that girls ass was horrible!!!!!
Sad thing is i didnt even wanna take the pic but i was in blog mode like i can make something even more funnier about this scene
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