Someone tried to throw some shish at yoooooouuuuuuuuuuuu.........

Earlier today i found out that a 12 year old in Illinois threw a peice of concrete at the tour bus that Soulja Boy was in, (unfortunately) he wasnt injured....but heres the kicker the filth (police) asked the young man why he did it, the young man said...........(drum roll please)......."because I HATE SOULJA BOY" folks i wish i was makin this up (i really dont) but hey some people want real music back and that lil youngster is a soldier for the cause, i salute ya lil ninja
(BTW his list of ppl to knock off read "Soulja Boy, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, AKon, Bow Wow and Flo Rida in that order)
All i got to say is..........

ill throw concrete at that little boy
LMAO Sa'Ra you're wild, i'm comin up there this week to do our foto shoot you better be ready young lady ;-)
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