Tattle tellers, Narcs, dime-droppers, Curtis Jacksons, Rats, snitches its all the same..........lets take a gander at who you need to be on the look out for....................
-Niggas with ulterior motives.......i've always been weary of niggas on that "naw i'ma look out for you" shit.....hows a nigga gonna put me ahead of himself (pause)..............unselfishness FTL.......
-Niggas thats broke............ehhhh very self explanatory....
-Niggas that have multi-million dollar rap careers and recieve a year of probation for being ARRESTED hours before a Hip Hop Award show, charged with possession of three unregistered machine guns and TWO silencers in a parking lot....only to a post $3million bond.....did i mention this nigga was a felon, which means him being caught with those Taliban guns is a minimum of 5yrs clinked up.................hmmmm
-Niggas who have nothing to live for.....................and want to either get off (pause) or have a lighter sentence.........
-Niggas built up with animosity, jealousy, envy, hate, vindication, revenge, etc..... its all the same.........
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