Soooooo the man in green said something asinine, absurd, ludicrous, insane, crazy, dumb, unethical, immoral, off the wall etc.........................."I don't think Kobe is the best player.
I'm the best player. There's a line that separates having confidence and being conceited. I don't cross that line but I have a lot of confidence in myself"................
Nigga are you crazy.............lemme calm down first and foremost
the only reason you have the chip is because
you had/have number 5 and times 4 to the previous number stated.....................both of which are proven Ns in the league........the man in purple
had 2 Ns that disappeared quicker than a white girl in a room full of pedophiles................SMH
(Edit:BTW we all descend from the highest exalted one (MJordan) so in essence theres no real Ns in the league that can claim the best, MJs legacy holds his best player rank for another 50yrs)
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