
Things Niggas Need to Stay Away From.......

Another Ns face..............black on black crimes are outrageous...............

The Jewelry spot.............nigga ya credits bad..................
Thr Rim Spot.............nigga ya credits bad......................
The Flea Market...........fake it till you make it pimp...........

The Club........definitely this one cuz theres a lot of pilgrims at this one....................

The Mall.......................damn if we not spendin our rent/light/grocery and baby money in the bitch............ plus we already in there 30 deep posted outside of Abercrombie scarin away the whiteys word to BrandonTaylor

Stay out the backseats of these vehicles......we either end up hurtin these Ns or get arrested, its a lose/lose situation.....................

No not a blonde with a big forehead..............white girls.................

Coke..................word to Reagan.............

BET.............we too busy tryin to keep up with the Jones'...................

Jail......we cant be productive sittin down..................well Lewinsky was but thats besides the point.................

Court..........we never win the battle so..........
My Responsibility is the upkeep of 1983

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